

  Abstract of paper
  The graduation project is the Lanzhou Wanli Aviation Mechanical and Electrical Co.,Ltd.,"three supply one industry"heating separation and transformation of the project construction organization design.Construction Organization design is the core and soul of Construction Organization,is the conception and concrete arrangement of the whole process of construction project,a comprehensive technical,economic and organizational document used to guide the activities of a construction project throughout its life cycle.
  The content of this construction organization design includes the project compilation explanation,the construction general deployment,the construction preparation work,the main partial item project construction technical plan,the construction progress plan and the season construction measure,the quality assurance measure,the safety technical measure,the civilized construction and the environmental protection measure.Through the compilation of the construction organization design,the construction conditions of the proposed project have been fully considered,the reasonable construction scheme has been drawn up,the construction sequence,the construction method and the Labor Organization measures have been determined,and the construction schedule has been reasonably and comprehensively arranged To ensure the scheduled delivery of the proposed works.
  In compiling this design,the factors such as project management organization setting,General Construction Deployment,construction preparation,construction methods of major sub-projects and sub-projects,construction quality assurance measures,safety and civilized construction measures,construction site management measures and so on were considered as fully as possible,highlight scientific,applicable and targeted to ensure high-quality,low consumption,safety,civilization,high-speed completion.
  Key Words:Construction Organization Design;Engineering Survey;Construction Deployment;construction scheme and so on.

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