
  三汊河口闸工程位于三汊河入长江口处,地基土质较差,地基处理较复杂,而且工程量大。工程采用双孔护镜门方案,单孔净宽40 m,总净宽80 m,底板体积大,砼浇筑强度较大,而且容易产生裂缝。闸门为半圆形的三铰拱结构,安装、运输困难。针对以上特点,在施工组织设计中,采取了一系列工艺技术措施,提出了切实可行的施工方案,先进合理的施工进度,紧凑协调的施工布置,并且在质量安全保证、文明施工和环境保护等方面,提出一些先进的技术措施和管理措施。

  This design mainly is draw up the sancha river-mouth floodgate engineering to bid document,include the construction organization design and bid to quote etc..
  The sancha river-mouth floodgate engineering locates the sancha
  river,the access to Yangtze River.The quality of foundation soil is worse,so the foundation stratum is the more complicated,and it has great quantity.The engineering adopt double bores,the clean breadth of single bore is 40 m,and the total clean breadth is 80 m,so the physical volume of scaleboard is big.The strength of pour concrete is big,and it creat crack easily.The gate is three hinge-arch structures of the hemicycle,installing and transporting is difficult.Aim at the above characteristics,in construction organize design,I adopted a series of craft and technique measure,put forward to the solid viable construction project,reasonable construction degree of progress of forerunner,the construction that tightly packed moderate arrange.Also I put forward the technique measure and the manage measure in the quantity safety,the civilized construction,and environmental protection etc..
  The part of Bid quote is mainly from the engineering to set out physically,the careful calculation start construction process in various expenseses of the possible occurrence,be the foundation of draw up the marked price,then consider the risk and other condition,the offer that draw up to compare the reasonable.
  In design process,I made use of the most of the knowledge we learned,and then consulted relevant book of the design construction extensively.Certainly,this is all the design that does in norm rule,body now science and norm.
  Keyword:the sancha river-mouth floodgate,construction organize designing,biding to quote

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