The graduate design is mainly about the design of superstructure of short-span pre-stressed concrete continuous box Girder Bridge.Pre-stressed concrete continuous Girder Bridge become one of main bridge types of the most full of competion ability because of subjecting to the dint function with the structure good,having the small defomation,few of control joint,going smoothly comfort,protected the amout of engineering small and having the powerfully ability of earthquake proof and so on.For time and ability limited,the design of the substructure,transverse pre-stressing and vertical pre-stressing is not considered.
The spans of the bridge are 35+3×60+35m,main beam has one box three room and six traffic ways,the width of the bridge surface is 26m.
The major girder applies Full scaffold construction,symmetric equilibrium construction.
The procedure of the design is listed below:
The first step as to dimension the structural elements and details of which it is composed,it can’t and certainly should without being fully coordinated with the planning and working phrases of the project.Considering the distorting stiffness and the bending stiffness,box birder goes as second-parabolic curve,for second-parabolic curve is generally similar to the change of continuous bridge’s bending moments along.The section at the support is strengthened by the provision of thickened webs,bottom slabs and a cross beam,the thickness of the bottom slab and the top slab is 0.25m.
The second step is to use MIDAS software to analyze internal gross force of the structures(including dead load and lived load),the internal force composition can be done by using the compute results.According to the internal force composited,the evaluated amount of longitudinal tendons can be worked out,then we can distribute the tendons to the bridge.
The third steps is to calculate the loss of pre-stressing and secondary force due to pre-stressing,first dead loads and temperature,bearing displacement,and so on.
The last steps is checking the main cross section.the work includes the load-caring capacity ultimate state and the normal service ability ultimate state as well as the main section’s being out of shape.
In addition,the torsion of box girder,wind loads,seismic loads and the dynamic properties aren’t taken into account during the design.
Key Words:grade separated Pre-stressed concrete continuous girder bridge Secondary force Full scaffold construction