
  拟建工程,地面以上6层,地下2层。总建筑面积69533m2,其中地上建筑面积为54330 m2,地下建筑面积为15203m2,建筑±0.00相当于绝对标高17.25m,基坑开挖深度8.50m。
  The design for foundation pit of national microstructure laboratory in Nanjing University
  The building of national microstructure laboratory in Nanjing University to be proposally constructed is 6-layer tall,including 2 basements.Its general construction area is 69533 square meters,containing 54330 square meters above the ground surface and 15203 square meters below the ground surface.The average level of the construction for 0.00,absolute level is 17.25 meters.The depth of excavation is 8.5 meters.
  Considering of the geologic environment,excavation depth of the foundation pit,to create an safe and dry surroundings for the earth work and basement,we carry out the design in control of displacement deformation,in order to keep the main traffic roads and buildings safe and to arrange pipelines of water,electricity and coal gas below the surface.
  According with fundamental technical standard,approaching safe reliability,the economical-reasonable and convenient construction and guaranteeing project time limit,we use nondisplacement piles as retaining structure,reinforced concrete bracing as bracing structure.In the western and northern parts of the foundation pit,we use deep churning piles as detaining water pile construct enclosed cut off trench.With the purpose of dewatering,we use sump.
  Key words:Foundation pit;Bracing structure;Retaining structure;
  Reinforced concrete bracing;Nondisplacement pile

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