
[外文翻译] 工程招投标价格形成机制及价格控制

资料分类:土木工程设计资料 - 毕业设计外文翻译范文参考资料 | 发布形式:资料共享 | 更新时间:2016-01-08 显示全部楼层

Project bidding prices and price control mechanism
1, Introduction
Production and sale of products is a kind of business activities, construction is a kind of business activities, investment in human, financial, and material, the product output can be railways, bridges, highways, civil, or an industrial production devices. Construction is not a simple process inputs and outputs, it relates to market, user issues, problems, and so effective. Project involves the design, material procurement and construction of three aspects, and design and construction process is the construction of two different stages and the two independent professionals, and other commodity production, as the need for cost control, respectively, and obtains certain profits. Therefore, in project bidding, the project cost calculation and control are particularly important. Price is for high-profit foundation, but in view of the current domestic construction market competition has become white-hot, high prices can not win. Especially after China's accession to the WTO, foreign project contracting companies to enter the China market and China's engineering contracting companies to compete, and the engineering contracting business in China also went abroad to market the project construction and development. Therefore we have to sum up the past international and domestic contract construction management experience and lessons, and fully understand the project bidding price formation mechanism in the characteristics and operation rules, and effective project cost control, to make good use of resources, open up markets to improve the economic efficiency of enterprises.




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