
[建筑结构设计文档] 办公楼建筑结构毕业设计中英文摘要

资料分类:土木工程设计资料 - 建筑结构毕业设计文档范文参考资料 | 发布形式:资料共享 | 更新时间:2017-07-17 显示全部楼层

  [摘  要]
  本毕业设计为晨光厂办公楼结构设计,为四层钢筋混凝土框架结构体系,采用纵横向结构承重方案,总建筑面积4500 m2,建筑总高度19.2 m。本设计主要进行了横向一榀框架的内力计算。在确定框架结构布置方案之后,先进行了荷载统计利用弯矩二次分配法求出了竖向荷载(恒载及活荷载)作用下的结构内力,接着利用D值法计算出了水平荷载(风荷载)作用下的结构内力,进行内力组合找出最不利的一组或几组内力组合,比较出最安全的结果计算配筋。此外还进行了结构方案中的室内楼梯的设计,完成了平台板,梯段板,平台梁等构件的受力和配筋计算。同时设计采用柱下独立基础,对基础进行了受力和配筋计算。运用PKPM结构设计软件进行了电算设计,结合手算结果,利用AutoCAD绘制出了结构施工图。整个结构的设计都是在给定建筑图和地质勘察报告的条件下,根据国家现行建筑、结构规范,进行结构设计,绘制结构施工图的。总之,适用、安全、经济是本设计的原则,设计合理可行的结构方案是本设计的主要目的。
  [关键字]:框架结构   结构设计  绘制施工图
  the graduation design is the morning factory building structure design,which is four layers reinforced mixes clay frame structure, using the vertical and horizontal structure bearing scheme, with a total construction area of 4,500 m2 and a total construction height of 19.2 m. This design is focused on one transverse framework internal force calculation.After determining the frame structure layout scheme and load statistics, the firs use bending moment secondary distribution method to calculate structural internal force under the vertical loads (constant load and live load),the next use the D value method to calculate structural internal force under the horizontal load (wind load),once again use internal force combination to identify the most unfavorable one group or a few groups of internal force combination values ,the last select the best safety results of the reinforcement. In addition to the structure scheme design of indoor stair, completing the platform board, ladder section board, platform beam and other components of the forces and reinforcement calculation. Meanwhile design the independent foundation under a column, completing the foundation of the forces and reinforcement calculation. Using PKPM structure design software for the Computer design, combined with the results of hand calculation,to draw structure construction drawings by using AutoCAD.The whole design of the structure are based on given building figures and geological investigation reports, according to the current national construction design standard and structure design standard, to design structure and draw structure construction drawings. Anyhow, applicable, safety, economy is the principle of the design, designing reasonable and feasible structure scheme is the main purpose of this design.
  [Keywords]: frame structure   structure design  draw structure construction drawings

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