

资料分类:土木工程设计资料 - 论文摘要范文参考资料 | 发布形式:资料共享 | 更新时间:2017-09-15 显示全部楼层

  摘    要
  关键词:结构设计  框架  抗震
  This design is the design and design of the logistics service building of XX Toys Co., Ltd. . According to the design plan requirements, I designed the library building area of 4500 square meters total, a total of four floors, each floor area of 1092.96 square meters, with a total height of 14.40m, in accordance with the classification of building height and number of layers, this architecture is a multi-storey building. Library main building frame, plane column net with 3.3x7.5meters. Library with stacks, directories cashier and retrieval, collection rooms, editing room, sterilization room, reading room, computer space, special laboratory. Four with special laboratory, lecture hall, meeting rooms. According to design requirements, fortification intensity is 6 degrees, seismic rating for the fourth.
  According to design requirements, begin with "flexible use" point of view, landscape and architecture combine to improve the external shopping environment. Internal use of large, Structural design is based on the preliminary design of the building to determine the structure plan determine the size of structural elements, structural calculation. The reinforced concrete frame construction with load-bearing structural system, and in the earthquake-proof area, is the framework of structural layout with horizontal load-bearing, five cross-type arrangement within the corridor, simple, uniform rules, the force transmission line direct, clear and suitable for hand calculation. Structural calculations including load calculation, lateral checking, combined with the analysis of internal force, section design, reinforcement computation, stair calculation, calculation and basis in the floor and draw the structure of related drawings.
  In the design process, the framework of the horizontal seismic force, the use of seismic base shear method. Wind Load Calculation of Internal Forces under earthquake using D value method. Vertical load calculation of internal forces obtained by Moment Distribution Method combined action of load values. The program design meets the design and structural requirements, with some creativity and rationality.
  Part of the construction organization design and the reasonable construction plan, the construction method, technical measures and the progress of works and description of proposed regulations on construction related to the construction equipment, staffing for a reasonable allocation.
  In short, application, security, economic, easy to use is the design principle, the two parts of space and reasonable connection compact, prioritize, make architectural space to improve comfort.
  Keywords: Structural design of frame structure

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