资料简介: Size Effects and the Dynamic Response of Plain Concrete4 v! _4 |% p6 ?( f( J8 I
V. Bindiganavile 1 and N. Banthia 2
! r2 h4 \# ?- }8 T Abstract: This paper investigates the specimen size effect on the dynamic response of plain concrete. The report is based upon
* |" z% b5 L* z. E. n% ^ experimental data by the writers and others and considers results from creep tests on beams, beams under flexural impact, and cylinders8 M3 K+ R* \, n _: U
under axial impact loading. Size effect is examined using Ba?ant’s size effect law and the multifractal scaling law, and both scaling models
5 X4 d6 t! @ e+ v( [: f are able to capture the size effect on strength. For fracture energy, on the other hand, the size effect manifests itself only at impact rates.
' h. r; X/ }! _0 f# v1 b! L* l Under quasi-static loading, plain concrete in compression is less sensitive to the specimen size. But under impact, the compressive5 v1 L8 Q. @- G1 r. c8 w$ ~* t
response appears to be more size dependent than flexure. However, upon accounting for the stress rate effects, the flexural response
2 X1 ]9 b! T) T' j$ E depicts a more significant size effect, similar to that seen at quasi-static rates.& M& M! o* G1 \
DOI: 10.1061/_ASCE_0899-1561_2006_18:4_485_
5 Y' o0 O# i6 ?5 G( F4 L CE Database subject headings: Fracture; Concrete; Size effect; Dynamic response
M; ^% Y1 |/ i# { F8 r 素混凝土的尺寸效应及动态响应4 y( F3 Q" s+ K. T
摘要:本文研究了素混凝土试样动力响应的尺寸效应。该报告是根据作者和其他人的实验数据并考虑了梁的蠕变、弯曲影响下的梁和受轴向冲击载荷作用的圆柱体的试验结果。尺寸效应是通过使用Bazant的规模效应法和多重标法则来监测的,而且缩放模式能够捕捉尺寸效应的强度。对于断裂能,换言之,规模效应仅仅体现在影响率上。在准静态荷载作用下,受压素混凝土对试件尺寸更加不敏感。但是在冲击作用下,压缩反应相对于弯曲作用似乎更依赖尺寸。然而,考虑到应力变化率的影响,弯曲响应描绘了更加重要的尺寸效应,它类似于准静态荷载作用下的响应。8 T+ | s9 V5 _; `7 @, v
DOI(数字对象唯一标识): 10.1061/_ASCE_0899-1561_2006_18:4_485_
- m; H4 Z4 c7 F4 C) E V 数据库主题词 土木工程数据库主题词:断裂;混凝土;尺寸效应;动态响应。