

资料分类:土木工程设计资料 - 论文摘要范文参考资料 | 发布形式:资料共享 | 更新时间:2018-12-09 显示全部楼层

  Abstract: This project is design of Xiangshan Inn, for concrete frame system. Major is in the process of graduation design on architectural design and structure design of two parts. Computerized structural design is divided into hand calculation and two parts, building parts of which are mainly on function Division of structure, elevation and section of the plane, to further determine project. And in part of the structural design, mainly for seismic design of beam - column design, and overall. Hand calculation part of specific steps to a PIN horizontal framework for structural calculation and design of the framework, that is determined on the basis of calculation of sketch, through horizontal and vertical loads calculated beam combination of internal forces of the most disadvantaged, and design to determine the section of the beam section dimensions and required reinforcement area. In addition to the design of beam - column joints, according to the graduation requirements, you need to design a staircase, Foundation and cast plates. Part PKPM application is mainly conducted computerized modeling and load input structure, get computerized results and analysis of its reasonableness. Finally, should also be computerized comparison of hand calculation and results and analysis of its reasons for the variance.
  关键词: 结构设计   荷载计算   建立模型   计算配筋   结构验算
  Keywords: structural design   load calculation   establishing model   calculation reinforced   structure of completeness

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