
  摘   要
  关键词:电力系统; 电压; 稳定性; 负荷; 随机扰动


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  The goal of the investigation is to experimentally demonstrate the feasibility of cogeneration with the nuclear heating reactor, raise its annual availability factor, expand its application field, therefore the economic viability of nuclear heating reactors would significantly be improved. The 5 MW nuclear heating reactor (NHR-5) was used as an energy source, and nuclear energy-electricity transformation was achieved with a specially designed low pressure steam generator set in the secondary loop, and a low pressure two-phase flow turbine, meanwhile the circulation cooling water from the condenser was pumped to the heat-electricity cogeneration using the nuclear heating reactor with integrated design and natural circulation is technically feasible and the cogeneration system shows excellent operability and safety.
  英文摘要正文Times New Roman四号左空4格开始,两端对齐,1.25倍行距;英文翻译要规范,尽量用被动语态,专业术语翻译要准确、简练、清晰;
  Keywords: power system; voltage; stability; load; random perturbation
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