
  Finish the project with the proper time limit, quality assurance, and reasonable cost plan, as well as to do the best to achieve the purpose of evading the disputes and risks of claiming for compensation in the later contract management.
  During the tendering seedtime, the tendering company must work out the tendering document according to the feature of project, and calculate the project workload and work out the Bill of Quantity according to the drawing and computation rule of project work load, clarifying in detail the items contained by each project, work content and relevant quality requirements. Bill of Quantities is for tenderer quotation, and provides a commThe ** University New School area student’s dormitory 7th building project tender, is the deference public, fair, the fair principle, lets the tenderer according to the rated conditions propose the action program and the price, select the prestige reliably through the appraisal comparison, technical ability strong, the management level high, the quoted price reasonable may trust the tenderer, and entrusts it by the contract form to complete the project.
  As the tendering document and taking the FIDIC contract as the original version, the construction-phase tendering writ definitely stipulates the rights and duties of owner and contractor, restricts the two parties in the contract in law, technology and economy, so as toon basis of competitive tendering for the tenderer. Besides, the unit price or total price in the BOQ is the reference of paying the progress payments in the construction operations.
  Key words: Project tendering, Tendering document, Tenderee, Bill of Quantities (BOQ)

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