

资料分类:土木工程设计资料 - 论文参考文献范文参考资料 | 发布形式:资料共享 | 更新时间:2019-06-10 显示全部楼层

  [1]温文. 土木工程建设中建筑结构基础设计探讨[J]. 居舍,2018,(28):92.
  [2]李向阳,刘亚龙. 论加强土木工程施工项目质量管理的对策[J]. 居舍,2018,(28):121+152.
  [3]郑万强,孟庆佑. 土木工程施工质量控制中存在的问题及对策[J]. 居舍,2018,(28):16.
  [4]字立先,朱建兵,刘官林. 钢结构技术在土木施工中的应用及发展研究[J]. 居舍,2018,(28):74.
  [5]尚诚,魏京佐. 土木工程结构设计中的抗震设计[J]. 住宅与房地产,2018,(28):99.
  [6]赵丽平. 土木工程建筑施工技术创新分析[J]. 住宅与房地产,2018,(28):169-170.
  [7]罗杰. 聚焦智慧建造  开启城市建设新时代——2018中国土木工程学会年会在津隆重召开[J]. 建筑,2018,(19):36.
  [8]商引龙. 土木工程建设安全监督管理的探究[J]. 山西建筑,2018,44(28):250-251.
  [9]郝如. 土木工程结构设计与施工技术的关系探讨[J]. 山西建筑,2018,44(28):246-247.
  [10]刘庆玉. 大体积混凝土结构施工技术在土木工程建筑中的应用探索[J]. 产业与科技论坛,2018,17(19):61-62.
  [11]王亮. 土木工程试验检测措施研究[J]. 工程建设与设计,2018,(18):98-99.
  [12]和新福. 绿色建筑材料在土木工程施工中的应用分析[J]. 工程建设与设计,2018,(18):26-27.
  [13]席宴宾. 如何加强土木工程施工项目质量管理[J]. 工程建设与设计,2018,(18):225-226.
  [14]赵志国. 浅议土木工程混凝土施工技术应用[J]. 中国住宅设施,2018,(09):117-118.
  [15]卢长福. 浅谈土木工程建筑结构设计中的问题[J]. 中国住宅设施,2018,(09):123-124.
  [16]余相杰. 浅谈现代土木工程的特点与未来工程的发展[J]. 太原城市职业技术学院学报,2018,(09):171-172.
  [17]李玲. 论土木工程管理与房地产交易管理的关联[J]. 中华建设,2018,(09):70-71.
  [18]高阳静. 土木工程建筑节能重要性研究[N]. 科学导报,2018-09-28(B02).
  [19]付瑾. 土木工程房建工程质量保障措施[J]. 江西建材,2018,(11):68+71.
  [20]刘旭祥. 土木工程项目的施工进度与施工质量管理探究[J]. 江西建材,2018,(11):77-78.
  [21]姚森. 浅谈土木工程造价在各个阶段的成本控制[J]. 江西建材,2018,(11):95-96.
  [22]盛汝华. 土木工程中混凝土施工关键技术研究[J]. 科技风,2018,(29):89.
  [23]本刊编辑部. 第五届土木工程国际学术会议将在南昌市召开[J]. 河海大学学报(自然科学版),2018,46(05):394.
  [24]李运超. 基于土木工程建筑结构设计的优化分析[J]. 建材与装饰,2018,(40):61-62.
  [25]韩玺波. 土木工程施工质量管理办法研究[J]. 建材与装饰,2018,(40):174-175.
  [26]曹勇. 土木工程建筑施工技术与创新思考[J]. 建材与装饰,2018,(40):33-34.
  [27]刘勇,范世钰. FIDIC合同条件在境外项目合同管理实践中运用举例[J]. 中国港湾建设,2018,38(09):71-74.
  [28]刘勇. 土木工程道桥施工技术的管理措施研究[J]. 居舍,2018,(27):129.
  [29]陶大友. 土木工程建筑混凝土结构的施工技术要点研究[J]. 居舍,2018,(27):67.
  [30]王富,王天吉. 项目管理在土木工程建筑施工中的应用[J]. 居舍,2018,(27):120.
  [31]李旭飞. 浅析土木工程建筑施工管理[J]. 居舍,2018,(27):143.
  [32]陈大勇. 浅谈土木工程施工技术的创新及发展[J]. 城市建设理论研究(电子版),2018,(27):177-178.
  [33]张标,孟婵,杨立. 建筑工程结构设计中应注意的问题分析[J]. 城市建设理论研究(电子版),2018,(27):180.
  [34]凌乐红,钟赣平. 探析土木工程建筑结构设计中的问题[J]. 居业,2018,(09):62-63.
  [35]于卫征. 土木工程施工技术的重要性与创新研究[J]. 居业,2018,(09):80+83.
  [36]蔡孟雷. BIM技术在土木工程施工领域的应用[J]. 山西建筑,2018,44(27):87-88.
  [37]刘阳,桑永春,刘晓,杨芸. 结构健康监测异常数据修复应用研究[J]. 物联网技术,2018,8(09):48-50.
  [38]陈宇. 土木工程建筑项目施工中混凝土结构施工技术[J]. 产业创新研究,2018,(09):119-120.
  [39]王琪. 土木工程施工技术及创新初探[A]. 《建筑科技与管理》组委会.2018年9月建筑科技与管理学术交流会论文集[C].《建筑科技与管理》组委会:北京恒盛博雅国际文化交流中心,2018:2.
  [40]陆翔. 人防土木工程施工中存在的问题及对策[J]. 绿色环保建材,2018,(09):177+180.
  [41]朱新春,朱新庆,劳丽萍. 土木工程施工质量控制中存在的问题及对策[J]. 绿色环保建材,2018,(09):175-176.
  [42]常敬筑. 土木工程的现场施工安全控制措施[J]. 低碳世界,2018,(09):195-196.
  [43]章凯宇. 浅谈土木工程专业英语学习[J]. 城市建设理论研究(电子版),2018,(26):197.
  [44]刘峰,马豆山. 绿色建筑材料在土木工程施工中的应用[J]. 城市建设理论研究(电子版),2018,(26):149.
  [45]许华. 浅谈土木工程中的绿色施工和可持续发展[J]. 城市建设理论研究(电子版),2018,(26):160.
  [46]和金兰. 高层建筑施工中存在的土木工程问题研究[J]. 现代物业(中旬刊),2018,(09):192.
  [47]滕宝龙. 浅谈房屋建筑土木工程施工中的注浆技术[J]. 现代物业(中旬刊),2018,(09):194.
  [48]李天锋. 土木工程建筑施工技术的创新探究[J]. 现代物业(中旬刊),2018,(09):210-211.
  [49]周宏明. 土木工程现场混凝土强度检测技术探讨[J]. 现代物业(中旬刊),2018,(09):217.
  [50]周磊辉. 土木工程建筑施工技术控制的重要性[J]. 现代物业(中旬刊),2018,(09):225.
  [1]. Engineering - Civil Engineering; Data on Civil Engineering Described by Researchers at University of Cape Coast (Review of the sub-Saharan African small hydropower situation)[J]. Energy Weekly News,2018,:.
  [2]. Geology; Recent Findings from Department of Civil Engineering Provides New Insights into Geology (Assessment of Vulnerability of Rock Slope Considering Material and Seismic Variability)[J]. Science Letter,2018,:.
  [3]. Science - Geoscience; Findings from Department of Civil Engineering Broaden Understanding of Geoscience (A neural network model for slope stability computations)[J]. Science Letter,2018,:.
  [4]. Numerical Modeling; Studies from Faculty of Civil Engineering in the Area of Numerical Modeling Described (3D Numerical Modeling of Foundation Solutions for Wind Turbines)[J]. Energy Weekly News,2018,:.
  [5]. Hydrology; Findings on Hydrology Reported by Investigators at Department of Civil Engineering (Application of fibrous streambank protection against groundwater seepage erosion)[J]. Science Letter,2018,:.
  [6]. Hydrology; Researchers at Department of Civil Engineering Have Reported New Data on Hydrology (Investigation of asymmetric spatial dependence of precipitation using empirical bivariate copulas)[J]. Science Letter,2018,:.
  [7]. Science - Earth Science; Researchers from Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Report Recent Findings in Earth Science (Nonlinear Beam-Based Modeling of RC Columns Including the Effect of Reinforcing-Bar Buckling and Rupture)[J]. Science Letter,2018,:.
  [8]. Computation - Neural Computation; Findings from Department of Civil Engineering Yields New Findings on Neural Computation (New radial basis function network method based on decision trees to predict flow variables in a curved channel)[J]. Computers, Networks & Communications,2018,:.
  [9]. Science - Applied Sciences; Investigators from School of Civil Engineering Report New Data on Applied Sciences (Dynamic Analytical Solution of a Piezoelectric Stack Utilized in an Actuator and a Generator)[J]. Science Letter,2018,:.
  [10]. Science - Earth Science; Findings in the Area of Earth Science Reported from Department of Civil Engineering (Seismic damage and loss estimation for central Indo-Gangetic Plains, India)[J]. Science Letter,2018,:.
  [11]. Geotextiles; Studies from Department of Civil Engineering in the Area of Geotextiles Reported (Durability studies of surface-modified coir geotextiles)[J]. Science Letter,2018,:.
  [12]. Geotextiles; Reports from Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Provide New Insights into Geotextiles (Laboratory and numerical investigation of machine foundations reinforced with geogrids and geocells)[J]. Science Letter,2018,:.
  [13]Anonymous. JV Formed for Mining, Civil Construction Work[J]. Engineering and Mining Journal,2018,219(12):.
  [14]Anonymous. Tertiary institutions where civil engineering can be studied[J]. Civil Engineering : Magazine of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering,2018,26(10):.
  [15]. VII International Symposium Actual Problems of Computational Simulation in Civil Engineering[J]. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2018,456(1):.
  [16]Vladimír Vician,Karol Ko?ík,Branko Slobodník,Marek Svitok,Slavomír Sta?iov. Carabid communities (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in differently managed forage legume stands in the Podpo?anie region (Central Slovakia)[J]. Folia Oecologica,2018,45(2):.
  [17]Alexandra Jaro?ová. Poh?ad Na Pomenovanie Cez Prizmu Teoretick?ch Rámcov A Slovníkového Hesla[J]. Journal of Linguistics/Jazykovedn? casopis,2018,69(3):.
  [18]Huaping Wang,Ping Xiang,Lizhong Jiang. Strain transfer theory of industrialized optical fiber-based sensors in civil engineering: a review on measurement accuracy, design and calibration[J]. Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical,2018,:.
  [19]V. Garg,B. R. Nikam,P. K. Thakur,S. P. Aggarwal,A. Chouksey,P. R. Dhote. IMPORTANCE OF INCORPORATION OF GEOSPATIAL TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS IN WATER RESOURCES AT GRADUATE AND POST-GRADUATE COURSES OF CIVIL ENGINEERING[J]. ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences,2018,XLII-5:.
  [20]Elliot Vernon. The Life and Works of Robert Baillie (1602–1662) Politics, Religion and Record-Keeping in the British Civil Wars[J]. Church History,2018,87(3):.

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