

资料分类:土木工程设计资料 - 论文摘要范文参考资料 | 发布形式:资料共享 | 更新时间:2020-04-15 显示全部楼层

  本篇施工组织设计是依据一一个高标准的典型的工程,从施工准备到工程实施,对工程做了详细介绍,并提出应对工程实际需要,从施工组织总设计,到单位工程施工组织设计和分部分项工程施工方案做出详细编制,并对各分部分项工程方案做出具体应对,提出安全文明施工,对工程安全以及保障施工人员的安全做出积极措施,为了保障工程的顺利实施,提出工程进度计划与工期控制并要求控制工程质量,以及对已完工程的保护等方面做出详细编制。本工程建筑面积12567.82 平方米,公共建筑,框架结构,8层主体,层高31.5米,编制施工组织设计时按照虛拟施工方式进行,在编制中从基础到屋面,从主体到细部,分章进行技术方案编制,依次从测量、土方、模板、钢筋、混凝土、砌体、脚手架、装饰、给排水、电气、节能工程等方面进行方法措施编制。同时,制定适当的工期分布与文明施工措施,保证工程进行与实施,依据工程配置施工机械与劳动力人员,并制定冬夏雨季施工举措,保证工程进度安全有效实施,在施工组织设计中编制严密的质量保障办法,要求实现工程高效,安全,有序得以实施。
  [关键词] :施工方案 工期 质量保护 施工措施 土木毕设网
  Summary of Contents: this chapter is based on construction design of a typical highengineering standards. from construction to prepare project implementation. the project madea detailed presentation and proposed to deal with the actual needs of the project. the overalldesign of the construction organization. to unit construction organization part of the projectdesign and construction program to make detailed preparation, anceach part of the projectplan to make a specific response. proposed construction of safe and civilized. to make apositive measure for the safety of construction workers and security engineering. in order toensure the smooth project implementation of proposed project schedule and schedule controland quality control engineering requirements, as well as protection project has beencompleted. etc. to make detailed preparation. The construction area of 12.567.82 squaremeters, public buildings. frame structure. 8-layer body; the height of 31.5 meters. conductedin accordance with the virtual construction method preparation of construction design. fromthe basic to the preparation of the roof, from the principal to the detail, sub-chapters technicalprogramming. in turn compiled from the measurement method measures, earthworks,templates. steel, concrete. masonry. scaffolding. decoration, plumbing. electrical. energyengineering. At the same time. the development of appropriate duration distribution andcivilized construction measures to ensure the implementation of the works. according to theproject configuration construction machinery and labor personnel. and to develop initiativeswinter rainy season to ensure the safe and effective implementation of the progress of theproject. the preparation and strict quality in construction design safeguard measures requiredto achieve the project efficient. safe. and orderly to be implemented.
  Keywords: Construction program Duration Quality Protection Construction measures

  关键词:单位工程;施工组织设计,施工方案;进度计划;施工平面图 土木毕设网
  Abstr act
  This project is located in xian city of shanxi Province , according to therequirements of i graduation design,
  combined with the project of specific
  conditions and rel evant curent codes of such material, engineer ing constructionunit design documents. A science of the cons tructi on organization design, willmake constructi on activi ties coordination and orderly, improve work ef fi ciency,to shorten the construction period, lower cost and strive for the excellent resul t,and for provincial excellent project.
  The project is divided into 8 the cons tructi on organi zati on design, engineering,cons truction scheme, the quantity of cal cul ati ons, preparations for cons truction,depl oyment, cons truction schedule and cons truction layout, cons truction safetymeasures. Through the des i gn inf ormati on and drawings, familiar wi th the quanti ty,estimat ed budget norm and the relevant requirements and specifications, reasonablearrangement of the construction sequence, make full use of mechani cal equi pm ent,improve work effi ciency, organi zation, civilized cons truction site safety andenvironment protection, thus ensuring the safety and quality of engineering.
  Keywords :Unit engineering; Construction organization design ;,Construction scheme ;Schedule;Construction plan

  关键词施工组织设计; 编制;计划;施工方案;土木毕设网
  Based on the southwest corner of Harbin HongOn Street, StationRoad,Building 6 # project construction design, construction came to the role oforganization design is proposed to implement the whole process of construction,an important means of scientific management. Through the preparation ofconstruction design, the proposed project can be fully taken into account avariety of construction conditions, weaknesses, develop a reasonableimplementation plan, to determine the sequence of construction, constructionmethods, work organization and the organization of technical and economicmeasures, a reasonable overall arrangement proposed construction scheduleprogram to ensure that the proposed project into production or deliveryschedule; for the design of the proposed project is economically reasonable,scientific and technical implementation of projects to demonstrate theposility to provide a basis; also prepared for the construction unit capitalprojects and construction companies provide the basis for the preparation ofconstruction plans. Construction companies can advance to master the ,material and equipment used on the order, arrange a comprehensive resourcesupply and consumption; temporary facilities can reasonably determine thenumber, size and use; and temporary facilities, materials and equipment on theconstruction site layout plan。
  Key words Construction design; preparation; plans; construction program;

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