[建筑结构设计文档] 某6层艺术博物馆框架结构毕业设计计算书

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摘 要
博物馆上部结构采用现浇楼板,现浇框架承重体系。由于是空间的现浇框架,采用现浇楼板,荷载由板传到次梁,由次梁传给主梁,再由主梁将荷载传到柱上,最后传到基础上,下部结构采用钢筋混凝土柱下独立基础,活荷载确定楼面活荷载、屋面活荷载,屋面均采用不上人屋面。而结构设计是多层混凝土框架结构, 其中主要有一榀框架的完整计算:包括荷载计算、内力计算、内力组合、截面设计及配筋计算。荷载计算分别进行了恒载、活载、风荷载及水平地震作用的计算。并求出了各种荷载作用下一榀框架的弯矩、剪力、轴力图,然后进行了内力组合,选出了最不利截面,进而进行截面设计和配筋计算。

    The building name is "Art Museum".The design life is 50 years.To meet people's requirements, we considerate of the fire, earthquake, wind and lighting conditions, such as buildings. In the application, security, economic, aesthetic principles for the museum's column grid dimensions, area, such as the design load storey and greater flexibility of use, in line with modern entertainment and rest requirements.
    The upper structure of museum uses cast slabs, cast frame bearing system. The museum is space of the cast frame , using cast slabs, spreading the load from the plate girders to the secendeary beam, then to the main beam, and then from the main beam will spread the load column.The based of the substructures use independent foundatio -n under the concrete columns. Floor live load and roof live load are determined by liv -e load.Roof are made without Master roof. The design is a multi-concrete frame structure, which is mainly a complete framework specimens of calculation: including load calculation, calculation of internal forces, a combination of internal forces, cross-sectional design and Reinforcement. Load calculation were carried out dead load, live load, wind load calculation and horizontal earthquake action. And find a moment specimens of various loads the next frame, shear, shaft trying, and then a combination of internal forces, elected the most disadvantaged sections, and then conduct a cross-sectional design and Reinforcement.
Key words: structural calculation; internal force calculation; cross-section design; reinforcement calculation
建筑结构毕业设计文档-某6层艺术博物馆框架结构毕业设计计算书(1) 某6层艺术博物馆框架结构毕业设计计算书.pdf (1.06 MB, 下载次数: 1)


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