
  本工程占地面积约900平方米左右,建筑面积5215.2平方米。本建筑主体六层,室内外高差为0.45米,女儿墙高0.9米。建筑立面规整,除正门为玻璃门外,其余均采用实木门,窗为塑钢窗。本工程结构形式为钢筋混凝土现浇结构,柱子混凝土强度等级为C30,各层截面均为600 600,框架梁混凝土等级C30,截面为300 500和300 500。建筑地点地质条件良好,采用柱下独立基础,混凝土强度C30。设计严格遵守我国现行规范,其中包括«建筑地基基础设计规范»、«建筑结构荷载规范»、«混凝土结构设计规范»、«建筑抗震设计规范»等。计算中包括荷载计算,内力组合,基础设计,楼梯设计等。
  The project is the Shijiazhuang Meiri community service center,locted in Shijiazhuang city QiaoXi district.
  This engineering covers the area of 900 square meters which own six layers.The total building areas are5215.2square meters.indoors are outside height and for 0.45m.The construction vertical surface design is artistic very much.It chooses glass door as the front door,the others choose solid wood doors.The windows use plastic—steel windows.The structural form of the civil engineering is the form of reinforcement concrete casting.The strength class of the frame column is C30.The frame columns’cross sections of the floor is 600 600.The strength class of the frame girder is C30.The frame girders’cross sections are 300 500and 300 500.Construction site geological condition is good,adopt under column independent foundation,the strength of concrete is C30.The design strictly complied with the currently used code of our country,Including«code for design of building foundation»,«architectural structure load regulating»,«concrete structure design codes»,«antidetonation design specification»,etc.Calculating load calculation,including internal combination,the foundation design,stair design,etc.
  Although the graduation design time tight,task,but in the teacher's guidance and help,I have borrowed a lot of relevant material,and to arrange time reasonably,finally finished the design.In the design process,I applied university knowledge learnt and strive to do every step.Although there are many details in the design of the local unsitisfatory,but for me is I keep effort,and for me is very meaningful.
  Key words:community service center;reinforced concrete;fram;load  

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