

摘 要
本工程办公楼工程,采用框架结构,主体为六层,本地区抗震设防烈度为8度,近震,场地类别为II类场地。主导风向为西北,基本风压0.50KN/M,基本雪压0.35 KN/M。楼﹑屋盖均采用现浇钢筋混凝土结构。
本设计主要进行了结构方案中横向框架第3轴抗震设计。在确定框架布局之后,先进行了层间荷载代表值的计算,接着利用顶点位移法求出自震周期,进而按底部剪力法计算水平地震荷载作用下大小,进而求出在水平荷载作用下的结构内力(弯矩、剪力、轴力)。接着计算竖向荷载(恒载及活荷载)作用下的结构内力。是找出最不利的一组或几组内力组合。 选取最安全的结果计算配筋并绘图。此外还进行了结构方案中的室内楼梯的设计。完成了平台板,梯段板,平台梁等构件的内力和配筋计算及施工图绘制。对楼板进行了配筋计算,本设计采用住下条形基础,对基础进行了受力和配筋计算。
关键词: 框架结构,抗震设计,荷载计算,内力计算,计算配筋
  office building


This  works  for the university of  office building, a framework structure for a six-storey main, in the region earthquake intensity of 8 degrees near Lan site classification as Class II venues. Led to the southwest direction, the basic Pressure 0.50 KN / M, basic snow pressure 0.35KN/M. Floor roof were using cast-in-place reinforced concrete structure.
The design and implement "practical, security, economic, aesthetic," the design principles. With the architectural design, design seriously consider the influence of the various factors. According to the structural and architectural detail and the overall relationship.
The design of the main structure of the program horizontal framework 3-axis seismic design. In determining the distribution framework, the first layer of representative value of the load, Then use vertex from the displacement method for earthquake cycle, and then at the bottom of shear horizontal seismic load calculation under size, then calculated the level of load under the Internal Forces (bending moment, shear and axial force). Then calculate vertical load (constant load and live load) under the Internal Forces. Identify the most disadvantaged group or an internal force several combinations. Select the best safety results of the reinforcement and Mapping. In addition, the structure of the program indoor staircase design. Completion of the platform boards, boards of the ladder, platform beam component and the reinforcement of internal forces calculation and construction mapping. On the floor reinforcement calculation, the use of pile foundation design, foundation and pile caps for the force and reinforcement calculation.
The whole structure of the design process, in strict compliance with the relevant professional standard, reference to relevant information and the latest national standards and specifications, and design of the various components of a comprehensive scientific considerations. In short, application, security, economic and user-friendly design is the principle. Design reasonable and workable structure of the program is the construction site of the important basis for the construction.

KEY WORDS:   Frame Structure,Seismic Design
Load Calculation
Internal force calculation
Calculation reinforcement


建筑结构毕业设计-某大学6层行政办公楼毕业设计(计算书+图纸)[面积5000](1) 毕业设计.pdf (1.58 MB, 下载次数: 7, 售价: 1 积分)

建筑结构毕业设计-某大学6层行政办公楼毕业设计(计算书+图纸)[面积5000](2) 建筑结构毕业设计-某大学6层行政办公楼毕业设计(计算书+图纸)[面积5000](3) 建筑结构毕业设计-某大学6层行政办公楼毕业设计(计算书+图纸)[面积5000](4) 建筑结构毕业设计-某大学6层行政办公楼毕业设计(计算书+图纸)[面积5000](5) 建筑结构毕业设计-某大学6层行政办公楼毕业设计(计算书+图纸)[面积5000](6) 建筑结构毕业设计-某大学6层行政办公楼毕业设计(计算书+图纸)[面积5000](7) 建筑结构毕业设计-某大学6层行政办公楼毕业设计(计算书+图纸)[面积5000](8)




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