

资料分类:土木工程设计资料 - 论文参考文献范文参考资料 | 发布形式:资料共享 | 更新时间:2020-10-13 显示全部楼层

  [1]张子仪,向光鹏. 水玻璃系列化学灌浆在水利水电基础防渗工程中的应用[J]. 水利技术监督,2020,(03):242-244+280.
  [2]王乾. 房屋建筑地基基础工程施工技术关键点研究[J]. 散装水泥,2020,(03):41-42.
  [3]张超,刘伟,褚金桥,胡焕忠. Application of Electromagnetic Wave CT Technology in Engineering Geological Survey[J]. 测绘科学技术,2020,08(02):.
  [4]Dr. Jeena John, Dr. Mary Benitta Jegan, Dr. Amir Al Mutawa. Research on Quality Management Model of Bahrain Construction Company[J]. Journal of Global Economy, Business and Finance,2020,2(4):.
  [5]. Engineering - Foundation Engineering; New Findings in Foundation Engineering Described from South China University of Technology (Experimental Study On the Influence of Granulometric and Material Compositions On Soil Rheological Properties)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020,:.
  [6]. Engineering - Foundation Engineering; Reports from Xi'an University of Science and Technology Highlight Recent Findings in Foundation Engineering (Triaxial Mechanical Testing of Undisturbed Unsaturated Loess)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020,:.
  [7]. Engineering - Foundation Engineering; Investigators at Lomonosov Moscow State University Detail Findings in Foundation Engineering (Determination of the Unloading Modulus of Deformation in Dispersive Soils and Its Accounting in Designing)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020,:.
  [8]. Engineering - Foundation Engineering; Findings in the Area of Foundation Engineering Reported from Northwest A&F University (Characteristics of Shear Strength and Deformation of Compacted Q3 Loess)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020,:.
  [9]. Engineering - Foundation Engineering; Researchers from Wuhan University of Technology Describe Findings in Foundation Engineering (Investigation On the Working Mechanism and Structural Parameters Optimization of Multiple Ball Shaped Nodular Anchors)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020,:.
  [10]张弘扬,张灿,屠庆波,靳书栋. 输电工程斜向螺旋锚基础费用计列研究[J]. 工程管理学报,2020,34(02):141-146.
  [11]罗欢. 房屋建筑施工中地基基础工程的施工技术处理措施[J]. 居舍,2020,(13):48.
  [12]朱桂春. 云计算环境下教学资源评价探索——以“地基与基础工程施工”课程为例[J]. 职业技术,2020,19(05):81-84.
  [13]龚晓南. 《土力学及基础工程实用名词词典》第二版简介[J]. 地基处理,2020,2(02):147.
  [14]. Earth Anchoring Suppliers LLC; EAS Offers New Program to Assist Deep Foundation Construction Contractors in New York and New Jersey[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020,:.
  [15]李宝. 基础工程的深基坑支护施工技术与施工管理[J]. 住宅与房地产,2020,(12):171.
  [16]杨勇. 工程地质勘察在基础工程中应用探讨[J]. 世界有色金属,2020,(08):184-185.
  [17]李涛,郑力蜚,高源,刘光磊. 深基坑倒挂井壁法开挖对地层变形影响研究[J]. 西安理工大学学报,2020,36(02):245-250.
  [18]Martin Jiru?ek. The attitude of the Visegrad Group Countries towards Russian Infrastructural Projects in the gas sector[J]. Energy Policy,2020,139:.
  [19]孟宪东. 在体育教学中培养学生职业能力研究——评《体育与健康》[J]. 教育与职业,2020,(08):114.
  [20]刘国佳. 试论地基与基础工程施工的现场管理[J]. 山西建筑,2020,46(08):185-187.
  [21]杨晓松,杨保存,黎亮,王荣,李宏伟. 新工科背景下基础工程线上教学新模式探索[J]. 四川水泥,2020,(04):350.
  [22]郑卫锋,张天光,陈大斌,鲁先龙. 我国输电线路基础工程现状与研究新进展[J]. 水利与建筑工程学报,2020,18(02):169-175.
  [23]孙晓强. 房屋建筑地基基础工程施工技术研究[J]. 装备维修技术,2020,(02):252.
  [24]Angus McNelly. Neostructuralism and Its Class Character in the Political Economy of Bolivia Under Evo Morales[J]. New Political Economy,2020,25(3):.
  [25]Tingjun Chen,Shiguo Xiao. An Upper Bound Solution to Undrained Bearing Capacity of Rigid Strip Footings Near Slopes[J]. International Journal of Civil Engineering,2020,18(1):.
  [26]. 中建八局中标雄安新区最大基础设施工程[J]. 江西建材,2020,(03):79.
  [27]郑汉钦. 基于CDIO教育理念的基础工程课程教学改革[J]. 西部素质教育,2020,6(07):184-185.
  [28]王瑞军. 现代房屋建筑工程地基基础工程施工技术[J]. 工程技术研究,2020,5(07):60-61.
  [29]孙健. 建筑地基基础工程造价管理分析[J]. 工程技术研究,2020,5(07):150-151.
  [30]. 山东省人民政府办公厅关于山东省数字基础设施建设的指导意见[J]. 山东省人民政府公报,2020,(10):14-19.
  [31]James Mushori, Charles Mallans Rambo, Charles Misiko Wafula. Evaluating Contractors’ Capacity Based on Safety Record and Performance of Road Construction Infrastructural Projects[J]. Journal of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering,2020,5(2):.
  [32]. Suzhou Ng. Foundation Engineering Co. Ltd.; Patent Issued for Hot-Melt Anchor Head (USPTO 10,597,840)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020,:.
  [33]李洋华. 试析水利水电建筑工程中的基础灌浆施工技术[J]. 建材与装饰,2020,(10):29-30.
  [34]熊甜甜,廖红建. 基于互联网+CBL教学法在《土力学与基础工程》课程中教学创新研究与实践[J]. 建材与装饰,2020,(10):155-156.
  [35]王奕莹,孙博,李桂俊. 基础地质工程与地质勘查应用探讨[J]. 中国新通信,2020,22(07):233.
  [36]张东东,荣华. 加筋粗粒土大型拉拔模型试验分析[J]. 河北工业科技,2020,37(03):196-202.
  [37]戚健锋. 欠固结地基桩基工程设计优选[J]. 山西建筑,2020,46(07):77-79.
  [38]DouJin WanYan. Application of Deep Foundation Pit Support Technology Based on Big Data Analysis in Construction Engineering Construction[J]. Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2020,1533(4):.
  [39]池毓财. 地基基础工程检测中常见易混概念解析[J]. 河南建材,2020,(03):47-48.
  [40]. Engineering - Foundation Engineering; New Findings from University of North Dakota in Foundation Engineering Provides New Insights (Analysis of Partially Saturated Clayey Slopes Using Finite Element Method)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020,:.
  [41]. Engineering - Foundation Engineering; Study Results from Shandong University Provide New Insights into Foundation Engineering (Mechanical Properties of Support Forms for Fault Fracture Zone In Subsea Tunnel)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020,:.
  [42]. Engineering - Foundation Engineering; Study Findings from National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology Provide New Insights into Foundation Engineering (Numerical Investigation of the Three-Dimensional Performances of a Shield-Machine-Bored Tunnel in Loose Sands)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020,:.
  [43]. Engineering - Foundation Engineering; Reports on Foundation Engineering Findings from Xi'an University of Technology Provide New Insights (Experimental Investigation On Fatigue Deformation of Salt Rock)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020,:.
  [44]李耀良,陈益贵,黄磊,罗云峰. 大直径超深、超厚嵌岩旋挖灌注桩梅花形成孔施工技术[J]. 建筑施工,2020,42(03):310-312.
  [45]孙振锋,刘传新. 基坑地下连续墙施工质量综合检测方法的探讨[J]. 广东土木与建筑,2020,27(03):81-84.
  [46]贾智静. 建筑工程桩基检测技术实践分析[J]. 建材与装饰,2020,(09):46-47.
  [47]肖烁. 地基基础单桩竖向抗压静载试验探讨[J]. 住宅与房地产,2020,(09):286.
  [48]Hou Xiang. Influence of the Change of Embedding Depth of Supporting Piles on the Foundation Pit[J]. International Journal of Computational and Engineering,2020,5(1):.
  [49]李向华. 营林造林保护林业生态平衡发展的路径[J]. 黑龙江科学,2020,11(06):112-113.
  [50]方国煌. 概述基础工程桩型的运用及常见问题的处理[J]. 福建建材,2020,(03):64-66.

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