

资料分类:土木工程设计资料 - 论文参考文献范文参考资料 | 发布形式:资料共享 | 更新时间:2020-10-14 显示全部楼层

  [1]. Engineering - Civil Engineering; Parahyangan Catholic University Details Findings in Civil Engineering (Behaviour of Improved Direct-welded Connections In Square Cfst Column Moment Frames Under Bidirectional Loading)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020,:.
  [2]. Engineering - Civil Engineering; Recent Studies from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Add New Data to Civil Engineering (Capacity Estimation of Unsignalized Intersections Under Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020,:.
  [3]. Engineering - Civil Engineering; Research Study Findings from Xi'an University of Science and Technology Update Understanding of Civil Engineering (Analysis of Stress Asymmetric Distribution Law of Surrounding Rock of Roadway in Inclined Coal Seam: A Case Study of Shitanjing ...)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020,:.
  [4]. Engineering - Civil Engineering; Reports Outline Civil Engineering Findings from North China University of Technology (Effect of Different Roll Forming Processes On Material Properties of Square Tubes)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020,:.
  [5]. Engineering - Computational Engineering; Reports from Civil Engineering School Advance Knowledge in Computational Engineering [A 12-node Conforming Straight-sided Quadrilateral Element With High-order Completeness (Qh12-c1)][J]. Journal of Engineering,2020,:.
  [6]. Science - Mechanical Science; Research Conducted at School of Naval Architecture Ocean and Civil Engineering Has Provided New Information about Mechanical Science (Physically Short Fatigue Crack Growth From Notch Described By Plasticity-corrected Stress Intensity Factor)[J]. Journal of Technology & Science,2020,:.
  [7]. Engineering - Civil Engineering; Reports from University of Kurdistan Describe Recent Advances in Civil Engineering (Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Jump Over Rough Beds)[J]. Journal of Technology & Science,2020,:.
  [8]. Wind and Structures; New Wind and Structures Findings from School of Civil Engineering Outlined (Large Eddy Simulation of the Flow Around a Finite-length Square Cylinder With Free-end Slot Suction)[J]. Journal of Technology & Science,2020,:.
  [9]. Engineering - Civil Engineering; Research Conducted at China University of Geosciences Has Provided New Information about Civil Engineering (Uniaxial Compression Fractal Damage Constitutive Model of Rock Subjected To Freezing and Thawing)[J]. Journal of Technology & Science,2020,:.
  [10]. Engineering - Civil Engineering; Researchers at University of Novi Sad Target Civil Engineering (Analytical Solution of Arbitrary Loaded Spatial Pile Group)[J]. Journal of Technology & Science,2020,:.
  [11]. Engineering - Civil Engineering; New Findings from Semnan University in the Area of Civil Engineering Reported (Improving the Properties of Self-compacted Concrete With Using Combined Silica Fume and Metakaolin)[J]. Journal of Technology & Science,2020,:.
  [12]詹翔宇,白东明,黄佳彦,阳辉,杨敬林. 土木工程专业思想政治教育的探索[J]. 科技风,2020,(18):50.
  [13]田琼,周基. 新工科背景下《土木工程施工组织与管理》课程教学改革研究[J]. 科技风,2020,(18):74.
  [14]庄一舟,朱梦琦,郑国平. 建筑结构试验课程教学改革与再思考[J]. 高教学刊,2020,(18):87-91.
  [15]张晓德,王述红,郝玉玲,蔡运生. 土力学课程实验教学改革与实践[J]. 实验室科学,2020,23(03):133-135.
  [16]谭品雪. 土木工程室内装饰装修施工技术分析[J]. 智能城市,2020,6(12):225-226.
  [17]郭军. 土木工程建设安全监督管理的探析[A]. 重庆市鼎耘文化传播有限公司.2020年智慧建造与设计学术云论坛(昆明)论文集[C].重庆市鼎耘文化传播有限公司:重庆市鼎耘文化传播有限公司,2020:4.
  [18]. Engineering - Civil Engineering; Research Reports on Civil Engineering from Technical University Provide New Insights (Theoretical background of ideal glazing based on adaptive thermal-optical parameters)[J]. Ecology, Environment & Conservation,2020,:.
  [19]. Engineering - Civil Engineering; Research Study Findings from Federal University Oye Ekiti Update Understanding of Civil Engineering (Fire resistance properties of some selected tropical timber species from South-western Nigeria after fire exposure)[J]. Ecology, Environment & Conservation,2020,:.
  [20]. Engineering - Civil Engineering; Data from Technical University Provide New Insights into Civil Engineering (Research of building structures in extreme climate conditions)[J]. Ecology, Environment & Conservation,2020,:.
  [21]. Engineering - Civil Engineering; Zagazig University Researchers Publish Findings in Civil Engineering (Assessment of the economic value of irrigation water considering achieve main crops self-sufficiency: Case study Sharkia Governorate, Egypt)[J]. Ecology, Environment & Conservation,2020,:.
  [22]. Engineering - Civil Engineering; Researchers from Federal University Oye Ekiti Discuss Findings in Civil Engineering (Improvement of cement stabilized structural lateritic with pulverized snail shell)[J]. Ecology, Environment & Conservation,2020,:.
  [23]. Engineering - Wind Engineering; Reports from School of Civil Engineering Add New Data to Findings in Wind Engineering (Experimental Study of Heat Exhaust Efficiency With Natural Ventilation In Tunnel Fire: Impact of Shaft Height and Heat Release Rate)[J]. Energy & Ecology,2020,:.
  [24]. Engineering - Civil Engineering; New Study Findings from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Illuminate Research in Civil Engineering (An Experimental Study on Stress Sensitivity of Tight Sandstones with Different Microfractures)[J]. Energy Weekly News,2020,:.
  [25]郜新军,张景伟. 新工科背景下基础工程课程教学改革与实践[J]. 教育现代化,2020,7(52):59-61.
  [26]Samaila Saleh,Kamarudin Ahmad,Nor Zurairahetty Mohd Yunus,Muhammad Azril Hezmi. Evaluating the toxicity of polyurethane during marine clay stabilisation[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2020,27(8):.
  [27]. Science - Soil Science; Reports on Soil Science from Department of Civil Engineering Provide New Insights (Compaction and Strength Characteristics of an Expansive Clay Stabilised With Lime Sludge and Cement)[J]. Agriculture Week,2020,:.
  [28]周林城,黄超,夏松林,代宗玉,何世民. 土木工程施工中钢结构技术的分析[J]. 建筑技术开发,2020,47(12):9-10.
  [29]赵平. 土木工程建筑施工中的边坡支护技术[J]. 建筑技术开发,2020,47(12):45-46.
  [30]李广洲,郭军林,王颖. 本科院校土木工程专业课教师如何做好兼职班主任工作[J]. 西部素质教育,2020,6(12):172-173.
  [31]汪洋,吴世勇,杨睿,王艳丽. 土木工程教学资源中虚拟仿真技术开发[J]. 安徽建筑,2020,27(06):130-131.
  [32]欧永健. 结构力学求解器在中职《土木工程力学基础》课程中应用与思考[J]. 安徽建筑,2020,27(06):139-140.
  [33]徐爱梅,陈浦军. 基于项目引导的“学习共同体”土木工程测量课程教学模式的改革与实践[J]. 江西测绘,2020,(02):54-57.
  [34]李冬梅. 加强土木工程施工项目质量管理的路径探索[J]. 住宅与房地产,2020,(18):155.
  [35]魏波. 土木工程中房建项目工程质量保障措施[J]. 住宅与房地产,2020,(18):156.
  [36]张文龙. 土木工程施工质量控制与安全管理[J]. 住宅与房地产,2020,(18):158.
  [37]张志涛. 建筑工程施工中注浆施工技术探讨[J]. 住宅与房地产,2020,(18):181.
  [38]曲建国. 土木工程中深基坑支护施工技术研究[J]. 住宅与房地产,2020,(18):197.
  [39]何鸣,黄川腾,张强,马清. 基于“卓越工程师教育培养计划”的教学改革研究——以《建筑设备》课程为例[J]. 遵义师范学院学报,2020,22(03):136-139.
  [40]严团红. 房屋建筑土木工程施工中的注浆技术探讨[J]. 工程技术研究,2020,5(12):48-49.
  [41]穆占春. 土木工程建设中建筑结构基础设计要点分析[J]. 居舍,2020,(18):111-112.
  [42]龙叙强. 现代土木工程建设管理以及未来发展方向[J]. 居舍,2020,(18):131-132.
  [43]李瑞良. 土木工程施工中钢结构技术的应用[J]. 居舍,2020,(18):53-54.
  [44]段海娟,陈兵. 土木工程材料研究性实验教学的探索与实践[J]. 实验室研究与探索,2020,39(06):203-206.
  [45]吴反反,孙文静,汪德江,顾文政. BIM技术在装配式建筑中的应用[J]. 实验室研究与探索,2020,39(06):219-222.
  [46]满吉芳. 基于BIM技术的CAD课程教学改革研究[J]. 河北交通教育,2020,17(02):12-16+19.
  [47]. 主编及编委会成员简介[J]. 城市建设理论研究(电子版),2020,(18):1.
  [48]???. Production and Supply of roof Tile in Civil Works during the Goryeo Period[J]. ???????,2020,(7):.
  [49]陈希. 高中开放式创新实验室的构建与实践——以土木工程创新实验室为例[J]. 现代基础教育研究,2020,38(02):68-74.
  [50]陈希. 高中开放式创新实验室的构建与实践——以土木工程创新实验室为例[J]. 现代基础教育研究,2020,38(02):68-74.

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