[道路毕业设计文档] 一级公路毕业设计中英文摘要

  The detailed design specification introduced , firstly roads (60km/h) of the entire design process and the technical requirements for the construction outlined. Design process is divided into : the horizontal bar design sections, vertical section design, photographic design, to separate sections of the structure design, and road design and construction, structural budgeting. After calculation design, has been the main outcome of the design : graphic design line, vertical section design, photographic design, the design of retaining walls, culverts and small bridges design and linear curve corner table, roadbed design tables, the number of earth and stone tables, road widen table, the number of protective engineering table, the final number of works under a construction plan of budgeting.
  Key words: firstly roads (60km/h)
  关键词:一级公路 60公里/小时

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