以下就是土木毕设网为大家精心整理的2010年-2014年外国建筑工程施工组织设计论文参考文献 50例。供大家学习。
[1]杨新茹. 建筑工程施工成本控制措施探讨[J]. 科技资讯,2019,17(31):75-76.
[2]李华伟. 建筑工程施工现场临时用电安全监理策略分析[J]. 居舍,2019,(35):140.
[3]乔广强. 论房屋建筑工程施工技术及现场施工管理[J]. 住宅与房地产,2019,(33):122.
[4]传云强,高健鹰,胡栋. 基于BIM技术的装配式建筑施工组织设计研究[J]. 建筑施工,2019,41(11):2094-2096.
[5]熊炼基. 浅谈施工组织设计在房屋建筑工程施工管理中的重要性[J]. 江西建材,2019,(12):199-200.
[6]陈晓燕. 浅析建筑装饰工程施工组织设计的创新[J]. 居舍,2019,(35):22.
[7]马新民. 建筑给排水工程施工组织优化研究[J]. 中华建设,2019,(12):138-139.
[8]王守一. 建筑工程施工技术及其现场施工管理分析[J]. 住宅与房地产,2019,(25):138.
[9]任丽娜. 进度管理在建筑工程管理中的应用[J]. 住宅与房地产,2019,(34):133.
[10]项家伟. 现场监理对工程造价控制的影响研究[J]. 住宅与房地产,2019,(34):215.
[11]李云. 建筑电气工程管理策略探究[J]. 居舍,2019,(36):143.
[12]李亚青. 房屋建筑工程施工技术和现场施工管理剖析[J]. 地产,2019,(23):133.
[13]苏志龙. 建筑施工进度管理的重要性及管理措施分析[J]. 工程建设与设计,2019,(24):249-250.
[14]卓东强. 建筑工程中施工组织设计优化及成本控制研究[J]. 工程建设与设计,2020,(01):303-305.
[15]俞燕来. 施工组织设计对建筑工程经济中造价的影响[J]. 现代经济信息,2019,(19):360.
[16]贺植丽. 施工组织设计对建筑工程造价经济的意义[J]. 西部皮革,2019,41(20):72.
[17]胡飞,周泽民. BIM技术在建筑工程施工中的应用[J]. 智能城市,2019,5(21):173-174.
[18]丁建东. 如何编制建筑工程施工组织设计[J]. 建筑工人,2019,40(11):16-17.
[19]郭进兴. 浅谈施工组织设计在土建施工管理中的重要性[J]. 绿色环保建材,2019,(11):132+135.
[20]于文星,韩子豪. 工程施工中的施工技术管理及应用研究[J]. 居舍,2019,(31):80.
[21]Takahiro Kato,Katsumi Hirose,Hiroki Tanaka,Toshinori Mitsumoto,Tomoaki Motoyanagi,Kazuhiro Arai,Takaomi Harada,Akihiko Takeuchi,Ryohei Kato,Satoru Yajima,Yoshihiro Takai. Design and construction of an accelerator-based boron neutron capture therapy (AB-BNCT) facility with multiple treatment rooms at the Southern Tohoku BNCT Research Center[J]. Applied Radiation and Isotopes,2020,156:.
[22]Xue-yuan Wu,Meng-Yin Li,Yi-Lun Ying,Yi-Tao Long. Design and Construction of an Aerolysin Single-Molecule Interface for Single-Molecule Sensing[J]. Biophysical Journal,2020,118(3):.
[23]A.M.A. Caldas,A.G.A. Caldas,C.A.C. Dos Santos,A.A.V. Ochoa,K.L. Cézar,P.S.A. Michima. Design, development and construction of Hall effect-based turbine meter type to measure flow in low-cost lithium bromide salt: Proposed flowmeter and first results[J]. International Journal of Refrigeration,2020,112:.
[24]Elisangela Heiderscheidt,Uzair Akbar Khan,Katharina Kujala,Anna-Kaisa Ronkanen,Heini Postila. Design, construction and monitoring of pilot systems to evaluate the effect of freeze-thaw cycles on pollutant retention in wetlands[J]. Science of the Total Environment,2020,703:.
[25]Jia Wang,Y.A. Qing,L.G. Xiao,Y.G. Wang,X.F. Bao,Y.G. Qin,J.Y. Zhang,Kan Zhang. Design of new-type F-FLC artificial joint coatings via fluorine incorporation and fullerene-like structure construction[J]. Surface & Coatings Technology,2020,385:.
[26]Niral P Shah,Jacob VanderZanden,David K. Wehe. Design and construction of a 1-D, cylindrical, dual-particle, time-encoded imaging system[J]. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A,2020,954:.
[27]Xinyi Zhang,Li-chao Nengzi,Bo Li,Lichen Liu,Xiuwen Cheng. Design and construction of a highly efficient photoelectrocatalytic system based on dual-Pd/TNAs photoelectrodes for elimination of triclosan[J]. Separation and Purification Technology,2020,235:.
[28]Keisuke Shimizu,Shungo Sakashita,Yoshio Hamada,Kenji Usui,Batsaikhan Mijiddorj,Izuru Kawamura,Ryuji Kawano. Construction of Programmable Nanopore using de novo Designed β-Sheet Peptide[J]. Biophysical Journal,2020,118(3):.
[29]Sadegh Bakhteari,Koorosh Attarian. Geometry-based modeling for characterizing design and construction of Ourchin domes[J]. Journal of Building Engineering,2020,29:.
[30]Behrooz Rahimi,Mostafa Sharifzadeh,Xia-Ting Feng. Ground behaviour analysis, support system design and construction strategies in deep hard rock mining – Justified in Western Australian's mines[J]. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering,2020,12(1):.
[31]Kevin Dekemele,Patrick Van Torre,Mia Loccufier. Design, construction and experimental performance of a nonlinear energy sink in mitigating multi-modal vibrations[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration,2020,473:.
[32]Qinghua Guo,Zhouyong Sun,Jing Shao,Nan Di. Reconstruction of the Shimao citadel gate: Planning and construction of Huangchengtai gate during the 2nd millennium BCE, China[J]. Archaeological Research in Asia,2020,:.
[33]Jianbin Chen,Rahul Mukerjee,Dennis K.J. Lin. Construction of optimal fractional Order-of-Addition designs via block designs[J]. Statistics and Probability Letters,2020,:.
[34]Haibo Huang,Feng Zhou,Pengfei Lu,Xianfeng Li,Pratteek Das,Xinliang Feng,Klaus Müllen,Zhong-Shuai Wu. Design and Construction of Few-Layer Graphene Cathode for Ultrafast and High-Capacity Aluminum-Ion Batteries[J]. Energy Storage Materials,2020,:.
[35]Weng Wei,Yang Junjie,Zhang Yang,Li Yuxing,Yang Shengyuan,Zhu Liping,Zhu Meifang. A Route Toward Smart System Integration: From Fiber Design to Device Construction.[J]. Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.),2020,32(5):.
[36]Attaluri Anilchandra,Jackowski John,Sharma Anirudh,Kandala Sri Kamal,Nemkov Valentin,Yakey Chris,DeWeese Theodore L,Kumar Ananda,Goldstein Robert C,Ivkov Robert. Design and construction of a Maxwell-type induction coil for magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia.[J]. International journal of hyperthermia : the official journal of European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology, North American Hyperthermia Group,2020,37(1):.
[37]Kato Takahiro,Hirose Katsumi,Tanaka Hiroki,Mitsumoto Toshinori,Motoyanagi Tomoaki,Arai Kazuhiro,Harada Takaomi,Takeuchi Akihiko,Kato Ryohei,Yajima Satoru,Takai Yoshihiro. Design and construction of an accelerator-based boron neutron capture therapy (AB-BNCT) facility with multiple treatment rooms at the Southern Tohoku BNCT Research Center.[J]. Applied radiation and isotopes : including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine,2020,156:.
[38]Liuping Hu,Zujun Ou,Hongyi Li. Construction of four-level and mixed-level designs with zero Lee discrepancy[J]. Metrika,2020,83(1):.
[39]S. P. Sreenivas Padala,J. Uma Maheswari. Axiomatic design framework for changeability in design for construction projects[J]. Asian Journal of Civil Engineering,2020,21(2):.
[40]. Energy; Huazhong University of Science and Technology Reports Findings in Energy (Green Performance Evaluation System for Energy-Efficiency-Based Planning for Construction Site Layout)[J]. Energy Weekly News,2020,:.