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  [3]肖良丽,纪勤敏,杜壮. GFRP筋混杂纤维混凝土短柱轴心受压性能研究[J]. 工业建筑,,:1-7.
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  [6]吴桐,邵永健,李国建. 钢筋PVA-ECC柱复合受扭性能试验研究及损伤分析[J]. 建筑结构,,:1-9.
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  [8]陈宗平,宁璠. 内斜外正双重方钢管复合约束混凝土柱轴压性能试验研究[J]. 工业建筑,,:1-14.
  [9]杜永峰,李虎,李芳玉. PC基础隔震结构新型隔震层框架节点抗震性能分析[J]. 工程科学与技术,,:1-11.
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  [11]叶青,王燕芳,敖清文,石帅锋. 养护方法对含铁尾矿粉的高性能混凝土力学、耐久和微观结构影响[J]. 公路工程,,:1-11.
  [12]李妍,王芮,孙楠楠. 装配式混凝土剪力墙的受力性能的有限元分析——螺栓-钢板机械连接方式[J]. 北方建筑,2021,6(04):5-8.
  [13] 聚羧酸减水剂[J]. 北方建筑,2021,6(04):40.
  [14] 机制砂[J]. 北方建筑,2021,6(04):46.
  [15]丁锐,李星辰,何月. 机制砂石粉对聚羧酸减水剂影响的研究进展[J]. 北方建筑,2021,6(04):47-51.
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  [17]曹磊. 场所的新生——合肥工业大学校史馆改造项目[J]. 安徽建筑,2021,28(08):29-30+35.
  [18]陶玉武. 先张法预应力粮库屋盖拱板高空原位现浇施工技术应用探析[J]. 安徽建筑,2021,28(08):55-56+59.
  [19]彭琳琳. 分体式塔机基础转换座技术研究[J]. 安徽建筑,2021,28(08):62-63+70.
  [20]邵寒军. 高层建筑土建施工技术及施工管理[J]. 安徽建筑,2021,28(08):64-65.
  [21]岳粹歌. 大跨度预应力钢-混凝土混合梁施工技术探讨[J]. 安徽建筑,2021,28(08):75-76.
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  [24]刘祥鹏. 矩形水池的温控效应分析[J]. 安徽建筑,2021,28(08):97+111.
  [25]吴宁. 钢结构住宅建筑设计探讨[J]. 安徽建筑,2021,28(08):104-105.
  [26]张训利,刘玉亭,钱红梅. 蒸压加气混凝土制备过程的影响因素分析[J]. 安徽建筑,2021,28(08):137-139.
  [27]步鹤. 混凝土在不同环境侵蚀下的劣化探析[J]. 安徽建筑,2021,28(08):140-141.
  [28]汪洋,许俊杰,程伟. 大体积混凝土整体浇筑温度与应力规律研究[J]. 安徽建筑,2021,28(08):144+157.
  [29]赵兴. 蓖麻秸秆混凝土试块的力学性能研究[J]. 安徽建筑,2021,28(08):145-146.
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  [32]穆振高. 水泥稳定碎石在建筑物地基处理中的应用探析[J]. 安徽建筑,2021,28(08):205-206.
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  [36]荆克林. 高速公路沥青路面宽大纵缝综合处治技术探索[J]. 安徽建筑,2021,28(08):230-232.
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  [38]程涛. 混凝土中玻璃纤维筋黏结强度试验研究[J]. 安徽建筑,2021,28(08):246-247+270.
  [39]何雅杰. 轴向冲击下中空夹层钢管混凝土的动态性能研究[J]. 安徽建筑,2021,28(08):248+257.
  [40]徐少成. 干硬性混凝土配合比及力学性能研究[J]. 安徽建筑,2021,28(08):249-251.
  [41]Zhang Bai,Zhu Hong,Lu Fei. Fracture properties of slag-based alkali-activated seawater coral aggregate concrete[J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics,2021,115(prepublish):
  [42]Gao Danying,Gu Zhiqiang,Pang Yuyang,Yang Lin. Mechanical properties of recycled fine aggregate concrete incorporating different types of fibers[J]. Construction and Building Materials,2021,298:
  [43]Tian Huiwen,Zhou Zhen,Wei Yang,Zhang Lingxin. Experimental and numerical investigation on the seismic performance of concrete-filled UHPC tubular columns[J]. Journal of Building Engineering,2021,43:
  [44]Seddighi Fazel,Pachideh Ghasem,Salimbahrami Seyyedeh Behnoush. A study of mechanical and microstructures properties of autoclaved aerated concrete containing nano-graphene[J]. Journal of Building Engineering,2021,43:
  [45]Ali Liaqat,El Ouni Mohamed Hechmi,Raza Ali. Tests of polypropylene macro synthetic fibers and GFRP reinforced concrete columns subjected to concentric and eccentric loading[J]. Journal of Building Engineering,2021,43:
  [46]Zhao Yong,Zou Renbo,Ding Tao,Xiao Jianzhuang. Experimental study of the shear behaviour of concrete-grout-concrete joints[J]. Journal of Building Engineering,2021,43:
  [47]Xiao Shu-Hua,Lin Jia-Xiang,Li Li-Juan,Guo Yong-Chang,Zeng Jun-Jie,Xie Zhi-Hong,Wei Fei-Fei,Li Ming. Experimental study on flexural behavior of concrete beam reinforced with GFRP and steel-fiber composite bars[J]. Journal of Building Engineering,2021,43:
  [48]Singhal Shubham,Chourasia Ajay,Kajale Yogesh. Cyclic behaviour of precast reinforced concrete beam-columns connected with headed bars[J]. Journal of Building Engineering,2021,42:
  [49]Fadlelmola A. Basit F. Alla,Chen Zhihua,Du Yansheng,Ma Rui,Ma Jia. Experimental investigations and design method on a lightweight bamboo-concrete sandwich panel under axial load[J]. Journal of Building Engineering,2021,42:
  [50]Chen Zongping,Xu Ruitian,Ning Fan,Liang Yuhan. Compression behaviour and bearing capacity calculation of concrete filled double skin square steel columns[J]. Journal of Building Engineering,2021,42:
  [51]Ahmed Khondaker Sakil,Habib Md Ahsan,Asef Md Farhan. Flexural response of stainless steel reinforced concrete beam[J]. Structures,2021,34:
  [52]Hassanli Reza,Vincent Thomas,Manalo Allan,Smith Scott T.,Gholampour Aliakbar,Gravina Rebecca. Large-scale experimental study on pocket connections in GFRP-reinforced precast concrete frames[J]. Structures,2021,34:
  [53]Hasanzadeh Mohsen,Rezaifar Omid,Gholhaki Majid,Kazem Sharbatdar Mohammad. Performance optimization of ground rubberized green concrete with metakaolin[J]. Structures,2021,34:
  [54]Lv Xiaoyong,Yu Zhiwu,Shan Zhi. Bond stress-slip model for rebar-concrete interface under monotonic and cyclic loading[J]. Structures,2021,34:
  [55]Joel Shelton J,Venkata Naresh Y,Arun Solomon A,Daniel C. Experimental and analytical investigation of geo-grid confined RC beams with glass fiber reinforced concrete[J]. Structures,2021,34:
  [56]Shafei Erfan,Tariverdilo Saeed. Seismic pullout behavior of cast-in-place anchor bolts embedded in plain concrete: Damage plasticity based analysis[J]. Structures,2021,34:
  [57]Imran Iswandi,Siringoringo Dionysius M.,Michael James. Seismic performance of reinforced concrete buildings with double concave friction pendulum base isolation system: case study of design by Indonesian code[J]. Structures,2021,34:
  [58]Dong Yang,Jia Lianguang,Xu Feng,Li Xianchao. Experimental study on seismic behavior of steel structure with cellular beams and composite concrete slab[J]. Structures,2021,34:
  [59]Ashrafi Negar,Nazarian Shadi,Meisel Nicholas A.,Duarte Jose Pinto. Experimental calibration and compensation for the continuous effect of time, number of layers and volume of material on shape deformation in small-scale additive manufacturing of concrete[J]. Additive Manufacturing,2021,47:
  [60]Magotra Verjesh Kumar,Lee S.J.,Inamdar Akbar I.,Kang T.W.,Walke Pundalik D.,Hogan Stephanie C.,Kim D.Y.,Saratale Ganesh D.,Saratale Rijuta G.,Purkayastha Anwesha,Jeon H.C.. Development of white brick fuel cell using rice husk ash agricultural waste for sustainable power generation: A novel approach[J]. Renewable Energy,2021,179:
  [61]Tang Yunchao,Feng Wanhui,Chen Zheng,Nong Yumei,Guan Shuhong,Sun Junbo. Fracture behavior of a sustainable material: Recycled concrete with waste crumb rubber subjected to elevated temperatures[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2021,318:
  [62]Wu Kai,Han Hao,Li Haoxin,Dong Biqin,Liu Tiejun,De Schutter Geert. Experimental study on concurrent factors influencing the ITZ effect on mass transport in concrete[J]. Cement and Concrete Composites,2021,123:
  [63]Wei Yongqi,Wei Zhenhua,Xue Kaixi,Yao Wu,Wang Changying,Hong Youcheng. Automated detection and segmentation of concrete air voids using zero-angle light source and deep learning[J]. Automation in Construction,2021,130:
  [64]Mostafavi Seyed Alireza,Joneidi Zahra. Thermal model of precast concrete curing process: Minimizing energy consumption[J]. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,2022,191:
  [65]Jiang Zhangfan,Sevim Ozer,Ozbulut Osman E.. Mechanical properties of graphene nanoplatelets-reinforced concrete prepared with different dispersion techniques[J]. Construction and Building Materials,2021,303:
  [66]Zeng Zhi-ping,Huang Xu-dong,Yan Bin,Wang Wei-dong,Ahmed Shuaibu Abdulmumin,He Xian-feng. Research on the fatigue performance of self-compacting concrete structure in CRTSIII slab ballastless track under the action of heavy haul train[J]. Construction and Building Materials,2021,303:
  [67]Goyal Arpit,Ganjian Eshmaiel,Pouya Homayoon Sadeghi,Tyrer Mark. Inhibitor efficiency of migratory corrosion inhibitors to reduce corrosion in reinforced concrete exposed to high chloride environment[J]. Construction and Building Materials,2021,303:
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  [70]Zhang Yifan,Aslani Farhad. Development of fibre reinforced engineered cementitious composite using polyvinyl alcohol fibre and activated carbon powder for 3D concrete printing[J]. Construction and Building Materials,2021,303:
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  [72]Gao Yuan,Jing Hongwen,Zhao Zhenlong,Shi Xinshuai,Li Luan. Influence of ultrasonication energy on reinforcing-roles of CNTs to strengthen ITZ and corresponding anti-permeability properties of concrete[J]. Construction and Building Materials,2021,303:
  [73]Li Zhi-qiang,Hou Wei,Lin Guan. Flexural strengthening of RC beams with BFRP or high strength steel bar–reinforced ECC matrix[J]. Construction and Building Materials,2021,303:
  [74]Asteris Panagiotis G.,Skentou Athanasia D.,Bardhan Abidhan,Samui Pijush,Louren?o Paulo B.. Soft computing techniques for the prediction of concrete compressive strength using Non-Destructive tests[J]. Construction and Building Materials,2021,303:
  [75]Karadumpa Chandra Sekhar,Pancharathi Rathish Kumar. Developing a novel mix design methodology for slow hardening composite cement concretes through packing density approach[J]. Construction and Building Materials,2021,303:
  [76]Zhang Chunsheng,Wang Lei,Zhang Xianggang,Ding Yahong. A 3-dimensional prediction model for mechanical strength of basalt-steel fiber-reinforced recycled aggregate concrete based on reaction surface method[J]. Construction and Building Materials,2021,303:
  [77]Deng Jun,Li Xiaoda,Zhu Miaochang,Rashid Khuram,Wang Qiang. Debonding damage detection of the CFRP-concrete interface based on piezoelectric ceramics by the electromechanical impedance method[J]. Construction and Building Materials,2021,303:
  [78]Jiang Zhisheng,Zheng Wenzhong,Li Ruisen,Guo Changshun. A computational model for thick concrete slab demolition using soundless chemical demolition agent[J]. Construction and Building Materials,2021,303:
  [79]Yu Jing,Mishra Dhanada K.,Hu Chuanlin,Leung Christopher K.Y.,Shah Surendra P.. Mechanical, environmental and economic performance of sustainable Grade 45 concrete with ultrahigh-volume Limestone-Calcined Clay (LCC)[J]. Resources, Conservation & Recycling,2021,175:
  [80]Ajayebi Atta,Hopkinson Peter,Zhou Kan,Lam Dennis,Chen Han-Mei,Wang Yong. Estimation of structural steel and concrete stocks and flows at urban scale–towards a prospective circular economy[J]. Resources, Conservation & Recycling,2021,174:
  [81]Lyu Zhenghua,Shen Aiqin,Wang Wenzhen,Lin Senlin,Guo Yinchuan,Meng Weina. Salt frost resistance and micro characteristics of polynary blended concrete using in frost areas[J]. Cold Regions Science and Technology,2021,191:
  [82]Li Pengda,Zhou Yingwu,Yang Tianqi,Yang Qiaofei,Xing Feng. Axial compressive behavior of seawater sea-sand recycled aggregate concrete-filled double-skin non-corrosive tubular columns with square cross-section[J]. Thin-Walled Structures,2021,167:
  [83]Xu Chen,Fu Jing,Sun Limin,Masuya Hiroshi,Zhang Lepeng. Fatigue damage self-sensing of bridge deck component with built-in giant piezoresistive Cementitious Carbon Fiber Composites[J]. Composite Structures,2021,276:
  [84]Raza Ali,El Ouni Mohamed Hechmi,uz Zaman Khan Qaiser,Berradia Mohammed. Structural assessment of eccentrically loaded GFRP reinforced circular concrete columns: Experiments and finite element analysis[J]. Composite Structures,2021,275:
  [85]Li Guochang,Yang Yu,Yang Zhijian,Fang Chen,Ge Hanbin,Liu Yaopeng. Mechanical behavior of high-strength concrete filled high-strength steel tubular stub columns stiffened with encased I-shaped CFRP profile under axial compression[J]. Composite Structures,2021,275:
  [86]Liang Jiongfeng,Zou Wanjie,Li Wei,Liu Dawei. Behaviour of CFRP strips confined partially encased concrete columns under axial compressive load[J]. Composite Structures,2021,275:
  [87]Zhang Tong,Zhang Yuxin,Zhu Hehua,Yan Zhiguo. Characterizing the thermal properties of hybrid polypropylene-steel fiber reinforced concrete under heat exposure: Insights into fiber geometry and orientation distribution[J]. Composite Structures,2021,275:
  [88]El Zareef Mohamed A.,Elbisy Moussa S.,Badawi Moataz. Evaluation of code provisions predicting the concrete shear strength of FRP-reinforced members without shear reinforcement[J]. Composite Structures,2021,275:
  [89]Zhou J.K.,Lin Guan,Teng J.G.. Compound concrete-filled FRP tubular columns under cyclic axial compression[J]. Composite Structures,2021,275:
  [90]Ai Demi,Yang Zeliang,Li Hedong,Zhu Hongping. Heating-time effect on electromechanical admittance of surface-bonded PZT sensor for concrete structural monitoring[J]. Measurement,2021,184:
  [91]Huang Yue,Liang Hongjun,Lu Yiyan,Zhu Tao. Axial behaviour of square stub CFST columns strengthened with square steel tube and HPC jacket[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research,2021,186:
  [92]Tretyakov Alexey,Tkalenko Illia,Wald Franti?ek. Fire response model of the steel fibre reinforced concrete filled tubular column[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research,2021,186:
  [93]Ci Junchang,Ahmed Mizan,Jia Hong,Chen Shicai,Zhou Daxing,Hou Liqun. Testing and strength prediction of eccentrically-loaded circular concrete-filled double steel tubular stub-columns[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research,2021,186:
  [94]Zhou Xiang,Xie Youjun,Long Guangcheng,Zeng Xiaohui,Li Jiangteng,Yao Li,Jiang Wanhong,Pan Zili. DEM analysis of the effect of interface transition zone on dynamic splitting tensile behavior of high-strength concrete based on multi-phase model[J]. Cement and Concrete Research,2021,149:
  [95]Sharma Meenakshi,Bishnoi Shashank,Martirena Fernando,Scrivener Karen. Limestone calcined clay cement and concrete: A state-of-the-art review[J]. Cement and Concrete Research,2021,149:
  [96]Liu Jianhui,Farzadnia Nima,Shi Caijun. Microstructural and micromechanical characteristics of ultra-high performance concrete with superabsorbent polymer (SAP)[J]. Cement and Concrete Research,2021,149:
  [97]He Panyang,Zhang Xiaomin,Chen Hao,Zhang Yaojun. Waste-to-resource strategies for the use of circulating fluidized bed fly ash in construction materials: A mini review[J]. Powder Technology,2021,393:
  [98]Vahid Lotfi,Ali Lotfi. Application of Hagstrom-Warburton high-order truncation boundary condition on time harmonic analysis of concrete arch dam-reservoir systems[J]. Engineering Computations,2021,38(7):
  [99]廖惠康. 积极推动惠州钢结构装配式建筑高质量发展[N]. 广东建设报,2021-08-18(006).
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