Construction organization design is the basic basis for the implementation of engineering projects,and it is also a concentrated reflection of the project management department's understanding of the project and the rationality of the overall construction arrangement.Prepare the construction team to make it truly meaningful
A construction guidance document,rather than just a formality,is the inevitable development direction for engineering project construction to move towards standardization.
Construction organization design plays an important role in the implementation of engineering projects:making comprehensive strategic deployments for the construction of construction projects or group projects;To provide a basis for preparing for construction and ensuring resource supply;Provide scientific plans and implementation steps for organizing the construction of the entire construction site;Provide a basis for the construction unit to prepare the project production plan and the construction organization design of the unit project.
This paper makes comprehensive,reasonable,and scientific arrangements as much as possible based on the construction drawings provided by the design unit,the on-site conditions of the construction project,and the technical personnel and material resources required to complete the project construction,as well as the management and operation of work above the head and group level,to ensure the high-quality,efficient,economical,and safe completion of construction tasks.